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Interdisciplinary Expertise
We provide information and counseling on all issues related to health, sexuality, contraception/birth control methods, pregnancy, pregnancy termination and relationships. At our center we also offer surgical and medical pregnancy termination.
By law we are required to respect patient confidentiality. Upon request, consultations can be anonymous.
There is a fee or a reduced cost for particular counseling (individual, couple or group sessions) and medical services. If needed, we can also support you through our cooperation with the Office for Medical Aid for Refugees “Büro für medizinische Flüchtlingshilfe” and the Berlin Municipal Interpretation Service “Gemeindedolmetschdienst” or refer you to additional services
Basic information, materials and services are offered in Plain German and Simple German, which is easy to understand for everyone and is referred to as Leichte Sprache or Einfache Sprache.