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Project "Improving Healthcare for Refugee Women"

This project approaches healthcare and the needs of refugee women in a holistic, interdisciplinary and accessible manner. Our work focuses on the sexual, reproductive and mental health of refugee women.
Our staff members conduct mobile counseling with the help of language and cultural mediators.
We provide information on sexual and reproductive health and rights, address the individual questions of refugee women, and support them in navigating the healthcare system. We thereby create a space to provide information about women's rights in Germany and the German healthcare system, specific healthcare contacts and counseling centers. Informational counseling sessions are offered individually or in a group setting.


Ergänzende Information

Individual and Group Counseling for women

Individual and Group Counseling for women

Individual counseling for women

Individual counseling for women



Migration: Angebote im FPZ

Migration: Angebote im FPZ

Sozialberatung auf Vietnamesisch/ Tư vấn xã hội cho phụ nữ Việt Nam

Sozialberatung auf Vietnamesisch/ Tư vấn xã hội cho phụ nữ Việt Nam